We’re reading through Revelation along with NT Wright’s Revelation for Everyone. These notes include discussions of topics of additional interest and attempt connections with more Old Testament material.
12:1-6 Continued
We read Psalm 2, the source of the quotation about the child ruling the nations with a rod of iron.
We discussed
-Genesis 3 as expulsion into the wilderness, a possible prototype for the Revelation 12 attack of the dragon on the woman and her child.
Jean-Baptiste Cora, Hagar in the Wilderness, 1835. Wikimedia Commons
-Genesis 16 and 21, Hagar’s story, another possible precursor as Hagar escapes or is sent into the wilderness with her child and lacks the essentials she needs to survive until God miraculously intervenes to provide.
Alexey Tyronav, Moses’ Mother, 1839-1842. Wikimedia Commons
-Exodus 1 and following Exodus passages discussing Miriam as wilderness figure associated with water and God’s provision first for Moses then for Israel.
Juan Sanchez Cotan, Flight into Egypt, ca. 1603. Wikimedia Commons
-Matthew 2 in which Mary and Joseph escape through the wilderness to Egypt fleeing Herod’s serpent-like murderous pursuit of their child.
-Other stories including Moses, David, Elijah, and Jesus who all had wilderness experiences with similar elements including escape from a threat and God’s miraculous provision in a hostile place.
We recognized similarities between these wilderness stories and the implications of considering the Revelation 12 woman as associated with Israel, who birthed Jesus, and the church. We considered - if the church, as its spiritual state, is in the wilderness, what does that mean for us?
We are not in the final state God intends for us – relationship in a fruitful land. We are in a place that is in many ways hostile, yet the pattern of things in Scripture tells us God will provide for us there as we remain faithful to him.