Want to learn more?

We hope you’ll stick around to see what we’re up to, but in the mean time, you can learn a lot more about the stories of the Bible with these resources that have been helpful to us:

YouVersion - https://www.youversion.com - download an app for your phone, tablet, or e-reader and access many translations and Bible study resources

Bible Project - https://bibleproject.com - short, compelling videos, online courses, and a podcast on origins, books, and themes of the Bible

Bible Study Resources

Blue Letter Bible - https://www.blueletterbible.org

NET Bible - https://netbible.org/

Step Bible - https://www.stepbible.org

Biblical Narrative

Alexe, Adelina - (online article) “An Introduction to Biblical Narrative Analysis”

Alter, Robert - The Art of Biblical Narrative, The Art of Biblical Poetry

Berlin, Adele - The Dynamics of Biblical Parallelism

Dorsey, David - The Literary Structure of the Old Testament

Fokkelman, J. P. - Reading Biblical Narrative: An Introductory Guide

Sailhamer, John - The Pentateuch as Narrative, The Meaning of the Pentateuch

Sternberg, Meir - The Poetics of Biblical Narrative

Teeter, Andrew - “Biblical Symmetry and Its Modern Detractors”


Alter, Robert - translation of and commentary on The Hebrew Bible

Athas, George - Deuteronomy: One Nation under God

Chisholm, Robert - A Commentary on Judges and Ruth

Douglas, Mary - Leviticus as Literature

Durham, John L. - Word Biblical Commentary Exodus

Enns, Peter - The NIV Application Commentary Exodus

Fee, Gordon D. - New Covenant Commentary Series Revelation

Freitheim, Terence E. - Exodus: Interpretation

Kaiser Jr., Walter C. - The Expositor’s Bible Commentary Exodus

Kass, Leon - Founding God’s Nation

Keener, Craig S. - The NIV Application Commentary Revelation

Longman III, Tremper - How to Read Exodus, Revelation through Old Testament Eyes

Milgrom, Jacob - The Anchor Bible Leviticus, The JPS Commentary Numbers

Morales, L. Michael - Exodus Old and New, Who Shall Ascend the Mountain of the Lord?: A Biblical Theology of the Book of Leviticus

Ross, Allen - Holiness to the Lord

Sailhamer, John - The Expositor’s Bible Commentary Genesis

Scarlatta, Mark W. - A Journey through the World of Leviticus: Holiness, Sacrifice, and the Rock Badger

Sarna, Nahum - Exploring Exodus

Wenham, Gordon - World Biblical Commentary Genesis 1-15, Genesis 16-50

Wenham, Gordon - The Book of Leviticus (New International Commentary on the Old Testament)

Wright, Christopher J. H. - The Story of God Bible Commentary, Exodus


Aharoni, Yohanan - The Land of the Bible

Rainey, Anson F. and Notley, R. Steven - The Sacred Bridge

Schlegel, William - Satellite Bible Atlas

History, Culture, and the Bible

Gabriel, Richard - The Military History of Ancient Israel

Herzog, Chaim and Gichon, Mordechai - Battles of the Bible

Kitchen, K.A. - On the Reliability of the Old Testament

Merrill, Eugene - Kingdom of Priests, The Word and the World

Trimm, Charlie - Fighting for the King and the Gods

Walton, John - The Lost World of… series, vols. of Zondervan Bible Backgrounds Commentary

Zertal, Adam - A Nation Born

Topical Resources

Estelle, Bryan D. - Echoes of Exodus

Gentry, Peter - (online video) “Were the sons of God in Genesis 6 fallen angels? Who were the Nephilim?”

Hamilton, James M., Jr - God’s Glory in Salvation Through Judgment: A Biblical Theology

Heiser, Michael - Unseen Realm, The Naked Bible Podcast, https://drmsh.com

Hoffmeier, James - Israel in Egypt, Ancient Israel in Sinai, The Exodus from Egypt, The Role of Archaeology in the Study of the Bible

Hoffmeier, Millard, and Rendsburg - Did I not Bring Israel Out of Egypt?

Imes, Carmen Joy - Bearing God’s Name: Why Sinai Still Matters, Bearing YHWH’s Name at Sinai, Torah Tuesday

Lefebvre, Michael - The Liturgy of Creation

Longman III, Tremper and Reid, Daniel C. - God is a Warrior

Lubeck, Ray - Reading the Bible for a Change, Second Edition

Lynch, Matthew J. - Portraying Violence in the Hebrew Bible: A Literary and Cultural Study, Flood and Fury: Old Testament Violence and the Shalom of God

Mackie, Tim - (online video) “Making of the Bible”, BibleProject Podcast, Exploring My Strange Bible Podcast, BibleProject Classroom

Sailhamer, John - Genesis Unbound

Schnittjer, Gary - Old Testament Use of Old Testament

Thiessen, Matthew - Jesus and the Forces of Death

Trimm, Charlie - The Destruction of the Canaanites, Fighting for the King and the Gods: A Survey of Warfare in the Ancient Near East

Williams, Peter J. - Can We Trust the Gospels?, (online videos) “Can the Old Testament be Trusted Historically?”, “Doesn’t the Bible Support Violence?”